What does it mean PRP hair treatment?

PRP hair treatment is consisting of a concentrated blood plasma that includes platelets, growth factors, leukocytes and cytokines. At first PRP treatment has been used in Europe, the United States and the Far East for years in different specialties.

The human body provides the best methods and agents to control a wide variety of diseases and aging. The secret simply consists in isolating the active ingredients for specific purposes. The treatment in hair transplantation is based on the use of the body’s own energy to achieve better results. Plasma is a concentrate of blood and platelet proteins, which are used to obtain a remarkable cellular rejuvenation and regeneration.

The treatment helps prevent hair loss and strengthens weakened hair. The treatment is used in all hair transplants performed in our clinic to improve the results of hair transplantation. Additionally the treatment helps the post-operative healing process and positively affects hair growth and strengthening after the hair implant operations.

Hair transplant surgeries with PRP support allow tissues to heal quickly, help keep follicles longer in an active growth phase and help them adapt to the transplanted area after the operation. Basically PRP with growth factors increases the speed of hair growth after the operation, because it generates new blood vessels and helps hair follicles to rapidly receive oxygen and nutrients.

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