fue sapphire

FUE Sapphire stands for follicular unit extraction, which involves extracting individual hairs from the donor area and implanting them in the recipient area. This method has been around since the early 2000s, but only recently has it become widely accepted by doctors and patients alike.

What Is FUE Sapphire Hair Transplant?

FUE hair transplantation is an outpatient procedure performed under local anesthesia. It requires no incisions and minimal downtime. In fact, some people report feeling better after surgery than before!

In short FUE performed with sapphire plates, hair follicles are removed one by one from the donor area using a micro motor and micro punches of 0.6 – 0.7 – 0.8 mm size after local anesthesia to the patient.

Why Should I Choose FUE Hair Transplant over Other Methods?

FUE hair transplants offer several advantages over other procedures. They are less invasive, require fewer surgeries, and produce more natural looking results. Get more information about fue, please contact us via whatsapp.

The upsides of Sapphire hair transplantation have made the strategy noticeable as of late. The utilization of sapphire tips in the treatment of Sapphire hair transplantation diminishes vibration. Along these lines, it is feasible to say that the gamble of tissue harm is limited.

Also if you have more questions, you can write us via whatsapp. Also call our contact number. Our specialist will determine your hairs. So we decide together.